China2002 Botanical Garden People Tianjin
China, Spring 2002 -- Great Wall at Sima Tai

Of all the Great Wall sites around Beijing, Sima Tai is the most 'original' -- the least amount of modern restoration was done here. It took a 3-hour bus ride to get here, and the ascent from the bottom of the hill to the walls perched on the ridge was steep. With heroic efforts, everyone including not-quite-3-year-old Emily and almost-76-year-old grandpa climbed up!

46_Going_to_Great_Wall 47_Great_Wall_from_Below 48_Nainai_and_Dad 49_Horizon 51_Heros_Walk 52_Paparazzi
52_Waiting_on_the_Wall 53_Resting_on_the_Wall 54_Si_Ma_Tai 55_Feng_Huo_Tai 56_Village_Under_the_Walls 57_Sisters
58_End_of_Path 58_Ma_and_Ba 59_Looking_out 60_Arches 61_Lone_Guard 62_French_Music
63_Going_Down 65_Looking_Up 65_Sliding_Across