About 宗家嘴 (Zong Jia Zui)


小时候无聊, 翻看爷爷的户口本, 看到"籍贯"一项写着"宗家嘴", 湖北省黄陂。 这便是据我所知的宗家发源之地了。 只觉得这吊字好玩,却至今上明“嘴”的来历。。。如今我们这些宗家嘴的后代,大概只有乃宗一人曾亲临此地。据说,宗家嘴姓宗的人渐渐外流,人数越来越少。宗家嘴先变成了“冯宗嘴”,现在已干脆是“冯家嘴”了!

What is 宗家嘴 (Zong Jia Zui)?

One day when I was a kid growing up with my grandparents, I looked at grandfather's "Resident Registration Card". Under the subject "Ancestral Home", 宗家嘴 was listed. So this was the Zong village where part of all our genes came from. I thought the name kind of funny, which translates to "Zong's Mouth". Not sure what the "Mouth" means exactly...Nowadays, Naizong is perhaps the only Zong who's ever been to the place. According to him, in the past decades, the Zongs kept emmigrating from the village. As the Zongs dwindled, aparently the Fengs in the villages got the upper hand. The village was renamed "Feng and Zong's mouth", and then finally "Feng's mouth"! Alas, 宗家嘴no longer exists now as a geographical entity. But on the web it is now a virtual community for us Zongs, providing us with a place to stay in touch, share our stories and photos. From Beijing to Shanghai, Toronto to Los Angeles, 宗家嘴lives on!