投稿须知 / Posting Guidelines

投稿时请大家注意以下事项,以保证网页速度及外观, 谢谢:

1. 欢迎中文和英文文稿
2. 如上载图片, 请尽量上载 < 50k 的图片. 最好把图片缩小到窄于 600px.
3. 请用"留言"来回答或评论已发表的文章.
3. 如有问题或提议,和我联系.

There are very few guidelines, to ensure the blog loads with reasonable speed and display, and that we do not run out of storage space, Thanks.

1. Articles in English or Chinese are welcome.
2. When loading images, please try to limit image size to < 50k. It will be best if you can resize your image to have a width of less than 600px.
3. Use the "Comments" link to reply to or comment on an existing posting, instead of posting a new article.
4. Questions? Comments? Write me.