Kunming | 昆明 Shilin | 石林
Dali | 大理 Lijiang | 丽江
Shuhe | 束河 Hutiaoxia & Shigu | 虎跳峡.石鼓

China 2004 --  Yunnan | 云南

Yunnan is a faraway place -- "south of the clouds" is its magical sounding name. Just below the Tibetan plateau, it neighbours the Southeast Asian nations of Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam. In all of China, it seems to be the most exotic -- a place of natural beauty as well as cultural diversity.

From snow capped mountains to tropical rain forests, from wild rivers running in the deepest gorges to strange rock formations resembling a forest, from modern cities to picturesque old towns reminiscent of ages past, Yunnan has a truly varied landscape. Equally fascinating is its ethnic diversity -- the population is made up of more than 20 ethnic groups, each with a unique culture. Of all this fascinating variety, we saw only a tiny fraction. Still, we were impressed by the beauty and grandeur of the landscape and the warmth and friendliness of the people.

Among other delights, Yunnan is well known for its temperate climate. In this respect it is somewhat similar to San Francisco. Though unlike in San Francisco, where it only rains in the winter months, Yunnan's rain comes in the summer, and we just caught the tail end of what appeared to be an especially wet season. Luckily, the rain in Yunnan comes and goes rapidly. Even though we had been rained on almost everywhere we visited, we also enjoyed lots of beautiful sunshine.

A week in Yunnan is only a quick sampler, but we will surely return some day and explore the south of the clouds further...