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The Zongs' family blog

星期五, 七月 23, 2004


"上"星期我们去颐和园. 虽然不是周末,天气也不太好, 可是人山人海. 我们去"划"了船. 然后去谐趣园看荷花. 荷花并未盛开.

七月十七日我们聚会庆祝奶奶生日. 十点多钟先吃小毅妈妈爸爸送的蛋糕.  然后开始打麻将,当然主要是陪奶奶和舅舅两位爱好者玩. 到一点半就一起去孔乙己酒店吃生日宴. 大家都认为吃得很满意.














Jia: Wow, it is really fresh to see Dad's post on the blog. We have been on vacation to Mammoth Lakes over the weekend and I have been in a meeting for three days afterwards. But it was a nice surprise to see all these nice pictures. Welcome Dad! I will see if I can find some time to post some as well. But after a week's off, I have over 250 email to read through first... It looks like a nice yard sale down there!

Xiaorong: Nice to see the pictures. A belated happy birthday from Toronto. I am happy to see you all had fun.

Gui: Nice pictures with cool tittles! :) Looks like you guys are having fun in Beijing. By the way, you've done a really good job resizing the photos and everything.

My first game! 

As I reported earlier, I'm trying to be a programmer again. This week my project has been writing a computer game. Now ....drums rolling.... version 1.0 of my first game ever is available for testing!!! I'm in need of game testers. Give it a try (click here to play the game) and any feedback, comments, suggestions, and bug reports will be appreciated! The game is pretty stupid right now, so there's a great chance of you winning. :)

Try again 

 甲状腺穿刺后的妈妈 和她做的果酱




Jia: It is such a cute picture of mom and dad. I like the captions as well. I wonder if Dad had his teeth on while taking this smiling picture...



星期四, 七月 22, 2004



星期一, 七月 19, 2004


前几天心血来潮,烤了一个核桃葡萄干面包 (raisin and walnut bread), 居然还挺好吃的。 虽然第二天就变干了,象biscotti.

最近不上课了, 没有schedule, 很自然会无所事事。 大家都说现在经济开始好转了,于是决定update我的programming skills, 准备再找工作。 抄袭又涂改了一个留言簿, 也算是学了点php. 请大家光临检验一下吧! (去留言簿

星期二, 七月 13, 2004


大概是两年前吧, Jean的妈妈给了我一盆她移植的昙花。本以为昙花这种东东,多半在我家活不常。谁知她不但没死,反而长了不少叶子。虽说两年里一点开花的意思也没有,鉴于我对她的期望不高,我还是很满意了。今天早上浇花的时候,突然发现茂盛的绿叶之间有片白晃晃的东西。拨开叶子一看,赫然一朵已”现“过的昙花! 唉,可惜啊可惜。也不知道这么大的一朵花(闭上的花有一手长)是什么时候偷偷长出来的,竟被我错过了。下次再现,又会是何年何月?不过现在我至少知道开花的可能性是存在的,以后可要留心了。。。

星期四, 七月 08, 2004


Somehow we managed to live in Foster City for 3 years without seeing the Independence Day firework. This year we planned to remedy that.

Foster City is a "planned" community built in 1958 by a developer named, you know it, Foster. It is a 4 squre mile of land (a lot of it is landfill) connected by a system of lagoons. Some say it was modelled on the famous Venice. The firework takes place on the main lagoon by a park and community center. This year it was set to start at 9:15pm sharp.

We took out our inflatable kayak and started paddling around 8:30. Along the way we passed padio parties and an occasional home-spun fireworks. It was always fun to look at other people's houses from the water -- houses somehow look more interesting this way. We were joined and passed by quite a few electic powered boats that are standard in these lagoons -- the city forbids anything gas powered. Sometimes we managed to pass some other little man-powered boats that are either more technologically inferior or with more pathetic crews. Nearing the firework site, boat traffic is getting more congested. The lagoon was filled with all sorts of things that float: sailboats, paddleboats, kayaks, electirc touring boats, and a yacht or two. On the shore, flocks of people were also arriving on foot. American flags were waving, children were shouting, loud music was playing on and off the shore. The air was filled intermittently with aromas of barbeque. Yes, this was July the 4th, a very festive day.

At 9:15, when the last ray of the settng sun has departed, the fireworks begin. As firework blossomed in the night sky, reflecting prettily on the water, there were bangs and whistles, followed by wow and ahhs, and squealing of kids in neighbouring boats. Not a spectacular show, but sitting on a gentle rocking kayak in the fresh cool night breeze, all was fun and light spirited.

After the finale, there was applause all around. All boats sounded their horns (if they had one) and dispersed through the lagoons. On the way back we enjoyed quite a few more spontaneous private fireworks. As we got home, the night had deepened, still there were sounds of celebrations. Festivals, such a human thing. We would just take about any excuse, be it independence, new year, or someone's birthday, to celebrate, to eat, drink, and be merry. And fireworks somehow always make a festival seem official.

星期三, 七月 07, 2004


我和Matthew都勉强可以算是有些"园艺细胞"了--我妈妈是专门研究园艺的,他爸爸有好大个菜园。可是显然任何先天的优势是不够的。我们通常养的花儿草儿的命运相当不测--在我的栽培下,旱灾是经常的;在他的护理中,又是水灾连连。院子里的土又硬得要命。只有最坚强的花草,或者最幸运的,才能在我家常久的生存。今年我们在院子里种了几棵西红柿,居然开了花又结了果。可见西红柿是一种好养的植物。我们天天盼着,小小的果子慢慢长大了,又渐渐由青变黄,最后终于变红了! 迫不及待的放到salad里,享受到不仅西红柿的新鲜美味,更有一种成就感。

我们的西红柿有三个品种: 普通的,Roma, 和cherry。它们个子虽小(Roma 品种长得比cherry大不了多少),味道还是满不错的。