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The Zongs' family blog

星期三, 三月 31, 2004

Party and Performance 

I signed Tiffany to a community Ballet and Tap dance class. At its last class, all kids went to a real stage to perform what they've learned. With the most enthusiastic audiance's support (their parents and grandparents), the children had a wonderful time. Here are a couple of pictures of Tiffany before going on to the stage and after the performance with her award from her teacher (a lollipop). Her role was Annie in her tattered cloth. Can you imagine a four years girl with "tattered cloth" now? Well, mommy made it a happy event with a few patches on one of her favorite purple dress.

Here is another picture of the girls in my house, opening gifts after Tiffany's birthday party.
Tiffany Birthday Gifts

星期一, 三月 29, 2004

北京: 大宴小笼包 

This weekend, a group of Zongs and Zong-in-laws were sighted eating 扬州汤包 in a restaurant in Beijing. It is said that 扬州汤包 is unique among soup-filled dumplings, because it is actually filled with only soup and no solid fillings. Hmmmm, sounds yummy. Can't wait to try it myself...

星期日, 三月 28, 2004

Emily's first award ever! 

Emily and her fellow award winners from PNSM. Among this group are students play violin, cello, piano, flute, and bass. One of the boy even got two awards, one for piano and the other for cello, so he had two roses in his hand.

Emily at her violin recital 

Emily played in the Recognition Recital from Pacific Northwest School of Music. She enjoys to play in public. To her, recital is one of the favorite things come with playing violin.

Finally! Our first post to the Zong Blog! 

Here's a picture of Emily(宗小雅) and Rong snowshoeing at Mt. Rainer:

星期五, 三月 26, 2004

Naizong's article 

Naizong wants to share his article, which was published under the pen name 晨钟. In this article he articulated his views on the current events in Taiwan and the response of the Chinese government.

星期五, 三月 19, 2004

Oracle Party 

宗家嘴最近好象变成了全英文读物。嗯,到底是英文容易写啊。 不过,还是应该再练练中文。。。正好看到Oracle party的照片,就说说这个party吧。

自从搬到湾区, 美国经济状况一直不佳。Matthew加入Oracle三年了,公司还没开过一个Party。谁知几个星期前竟收到一个email 邀请: Oracle终于要开party了!Party是为庆祝最新产品上市,请了有关的职员,大概两千人。 这样数年不遇的盛事我们自然要去凑热闹,何况是如此之大的party,从来没见识过。

Party在San Francisco市政厅举行。巨大的圆屋顶下,灯红酒绿的大厅里到处可见衣冠楚楚的Oracle职员。自助餐式的食物有鱼有肉,还有寿司和半东半西的印度饭。这是有原因的:放眼望去,在场有一小半的群众是印度人,剩下又有一半是中国或其他东亚人。很多夫妇或搭裆是一东一西。我们端了寿司随便找个桌子坐下,同桌便是一对类似的夫妻 -- 白人和越南人(越南人又是半个中国人)。让我想起多年以前,爷爷曾说,将来的人都会是杂种。。。我吃得差不多了,拿了杯酒走到楼上,看了狮子舞表演。正准备去找甜食,一人突然向我一笑:“Have we met before?" 我正要否认,他却叫出了我的名字。原来竟是我初中的同学!这世界真小!也难得在昏暗的灯光下,越过十六年的时间与太平洋的距离,还能把我认出来。


Fun Game 

This little game is pretty cool.... Try it! :)

星期四, 三月 18, 2004

Latest News from Beijing?  

I just called my parents' cell phone and talked to my mom for about 2 minutes before the line went dead. When I tried again I was told the cell phone was "powered off" again. What I learned from my mom is that she is going to take dad out of the hospital and maybe transfer to 301. I'm wondering if any of you have some more information about this?

星期六, 三月 13, 2004

from Shanghai family 


Hi Gui,

Thanks for your invitation, it is great to join Zong's family blog.

星期五, 三月 12, 2004

My name is Bunnie 

I am a year and half now. I am in Toront, Canada, where we even had snow today; however, i am a domestic cat, so i don't have the desire to go out like those people do.
My home is under renovation, and it is very dusty. I hope the renovation could finish soon, so i would have more fun to play; nevertheless, i don't really care much. First of all, i am not working; second, as long as i have delicious food and clean washroom, off course, fresh water, i am as happy as a princess.
Here i am going to show you my passport photo.

Bunnie's picture 

Here I am trying to post our cat, Bunnie's picture.

Please call ER BUO BUO  

Hello, everyone,
i am at home now, so i'm not able to write in Chinese.
i have just heard from my mother, who is visiting Beijing right now, that ERBUO BUO's eye has a problem. ( don't worry; otherwise, he is well) He is right now in the hospital (304 YI YUAN). His cell number is 1352 255 8360. I just spoke to ER BUO MA, and she said that the doctors might keep him in the hospital for the next ten days. The phone was cut off during the conversation; the power was off when I called again. I guess the cell doesn't have battery at the moment. ( keep trying everyone)
I have spoke to xiaopang about whether we should post the news or not. We thought about the possitive result of the posting, which was letting all of you having a chance to call him.

Refresh your screen to see new Template, chinese charactors, etc. 

As I exclaimed earlier, spring is here. The calalilies we dug out from Niangnaing's patio have exceeded my expectation -- not only have they survived, but they're also in full bloom! This inspired my new template design. I hope you like it!

Some of you have complained to me that since I started playing with the template (layout of the blog), the Chinese charactors are no longer displayed correctly, and as a result the layout was stretched out horizontally, making it hard to read. I'm still trying to fix the problem. For now, if you can't see Chinese when you load up the blog, try one of the following:

1. hit the "Refresh" button on your browser; or
2. go to the "View" menu, select "Encoding" -- "Chinese Simplified (GB2312)"

Then you should be able to read the Chinese and the layout will not appear completely out of whack.

星期四, 三月 11, 2004


This is the first posting from a Zong-in-law. Gui has done a great job organizing this blog. Glad to hear from everyone. I'll post some interesting pictures in future posts!

星期三, 三月 10, 2004


My first try! Tiffany is inventing a new dance.

Spring is here! 

春天来了!这句话写的象小学作文, 不过我也就这水平。上个星期还裹着老羊皮袄的我, 今天也身着短裙凉鞋了。I love warm weather! 不知你们北京,多伦多的天气如何?

I'm so glad that so many of you posted on the blog! Keep up with the good work, everybody! Niang Niang, I'm looking forward to that story you are going to write, which Xiao Rong advertised for you. Curently I'm playing with the layout of the blog, so you might see it change from time to time....

My name is Yucheng Zong 

I did use Jimmy, which was quoted from a given name of previous US president by my father, but now I change it to Eugene.

星期一, 三月 08, 2004

Jimmy? Urgene? Yucheng? Daquetou? Please give us the name you yourself prefer to be addressed. Thanks!
Boba is now 8 months old. But most of the photos Nairong showed was about 8 wks old. She is very cute, and very attached to people.


I figured it out that Jimmy is probably Yu Cheng, my brother. Ha ha
is it right ? Niang Niang
if so, his name is Eugene since he came to Canada


Xiao Rong is in 

Hello, everyone,
xiao peng had complained to me that I did not join the zong's blog. Here I am.
since I am a talkative person, waiting and see what you get. ( hope you don't regret )
In addition to speaking to xiaopeng yesterday, I have spoke to Niang Niang as well as Nai Zong. Niang Niang had a loving and amazing story to tell and I highly recommend her to write down for all of us. For Nai Zong, who enjoyed writing so much was off course suggested to join and write.
Niang Niang, who is Jimmy? Is it Nai Rong's another cat?
Nai Rong, your kitten is really cute; Is she eight weeks or eight months old? I showed her pictures to my co-workers, who are truly cat lovers.

xiao rong

星期日, 三月 07, 2004

Congratulation XiaoPan 

XiaoPang, You did a great job creating this Zong family blog.
I am very pleased to see pictures Jimmy posted.
You have viewed the pictures on Tiffany's Birthday that Nairong posted for me. She is very cute on her Birthday. There are altogether 5 pictures. I don't know why you viewed only two in Beijing. Please try again. XiaoRong suggested me to write something. I will try sometime later.
I am trying to post photos, but I have to ask Nairong how to do it.

This is for Gui, Xiaorong and any cat lover out there  

This is my kitten Boba. She is eight month old. She is very cute and playful. here are some photos of Boba. Hope you like them. Xiaorong I heard you have two cats.

Hi, we are from Toronto. 

It was last summer.

I am trying to join you by posting some pictures. 

Hello, Gui and Nairong, you both did great jobs here.
Xiao Yan and me in Nanjing

Nai-Nai and Meng-Meng

星期六, 三月 06, 2004

Happy Birthday Tiffany 涵涵 

March 1st was Tianffy's Birthday. A few photos from her birthday party taken by my mom.

the birthday girl

the birthday girl again

with friend

everyone is on the ground, where is the candy???

星期五, 三月 05, 2004

Nairong sent the link to this article by email. Some of you may have already read it: 往事:120名清朝幼童赴美留学的前前后后. Interesting read. It's about the 120 Chinese students who were sent by the Qing government to study in the United States between 1872-1875. These students were the predecessors of later students like our grandfather. One of them was the famous engineer 詹天佑.

星期二, 三月 02, 2004


好象新年才过没多久,已经是三月了! 准备把二月小结一下, 顺便练练我的中文和拼音:

情人节--参观 Asian Art Museum. 特别展出湾区画家
李华一(?多半错字)的山水画. 很好看! 也看了些春秋战国的铜器, 还有各式佛像, 大小菩萨种种......

Museum 就在市政厅对面. 这天正是市政厅向同性恋群众敞开大门,大发结婚证的日子。市政厅门前人山人海, 喜气洋洋。排着大队结婚的人扶老携幼,穿着打扮五花八门, 场面十分热闹。

说到结婚, 我的好友Jean也是这个月登记结婚的(照片)。正式典礼还在筹划中。

巧克力工厂 -- Scharffenberger是一家小型巧克力工厂, 在湾区挺有名。1996年由一位医生和一位酒厂老板合办的,最初的产品是在他们家里的?N房里制成的。 现在工厂在Berkeley,每周都有免费参观,还须提前预约。白吃巧克力的机会,我们几头猪当然是不会放过的。Scharffenberger的巧克力好在可可成分多,味道浓。我们一边品尝巧克力,一边听讲巧克力的制法。原来巧克力果是直接长在树干上的,样子象个橄榄球!巧克力豆需要发酵,烘烤之后才有巧克力的香未。品尝上课之后,我们戴上发罩耳罩去厂房参观了一圈。整个房子里都弥漫着巧克力的味道...真香!