
星期一, 七月 23, 2007


Apparently Mom has been advertising my paella--Niangniang just asked me about it. Here's the original recipe from my Spanish cookbook:

2 large cups of rice
300g prawns
100g lean pork, diced
10 chicken wings
1.5 dl olive oil (*1.5dl=150ml)
3 garlic cloves
1 tomato, peeled and chopped
a few drops of lemon juice
salt and saffron
4 large cups prawn stock
2 hard-boiled eggs and 1 pepper, tinned

Peel the prawns, fry the tails for a few seconds and store in the refrigerator. Boil the heads in water for 30 minutes, grind and drain using a food mill. Set the hot stock aside, leaving on the heat. Season the meat with salt and pepper. Saute the garlic, chicken and pork with oil in the paella pan. Add the rice, stirring for 5 minutes. Add the lemon juice, tomato, salt, pepper and crushed saffron. Pour in the hot prawn stock, adding more water if necessary. Bring to the boil and then bake at 180 degrees(C) for 20 minutes and leave to stand for another 15 minutes outside the oven. If the rice is still hard and dry, sprinkle with a little water and cover and cook for a few more minutes. Garnish with the fried prawns,eggs and peppers.

Being a somewhat lazy person, I usually skip the part that makes the prawn stock. Instead, I use ready-made chicken stock (in fact, this is used by another paella recipe I have), or better yet, clam juice from a can to tune up the yummy seafood flavor. I often skip the lean pork and chicken wings as well. Because I do not have a very big paella pan, I generally half the recipe. In addition to prawns, clams, mussels as well as other seafood can be added at the end.

星期一, 七月 09, 2007

More Birthday photos  

There have been numerous parties celebrating Ruli's 80th birthday, starting from May and still on-going, with future events to come! Here are all the photos so far.

星期三, 七月 04, 2007

Pa's 80th Birthday Photos  

Just received these pics from my mom. Pa must have had a great time judging by his high spirit. The cake looks delicious. I am reserving my seat for his 90th birthday party.

星期一, 七月 02, 2007


咱中华文化有好几个跟食物有关的节日(就是可以借机大吃大喝的理由),其中我最喜欢的节之一就是端午节.在此鸣谢屈原老先生,给了我们这么宝贵的美食机会,大热天的可以冠冕堂皇地狂吃此等既高热量又不易消化之物! 记得小时候,每年端午前后大约一周左右,我都几乎每餐必食一粽.今年端午节,好友的妈妈给了我们好几只粽子,使我们得以没有辜负佳节.而我身为一猪,自然饱食之后还是意尤未尽,琢磨着怎样才能多吃为妙.上星期我突发雄心,决定亲手包一次粽子.于是电话咨询了奶奶,又上网搜索一番,充实一下理论,也算了解了一些粽子的知识:

粽子又名“角黍”,最早记载见西晋周处的《风土记》:“仲夏端五,方伯协极。享用角黍,龟鳞顺德。注云:端,始也,谓五月初五也。四仲为方伯。俗重五月五日,与夏至同。●(同 “鸭”),春孚雏,到夏至月,皆任啖也。先此二节一日,又以菰叶裹黏米,杂以粟,以淳浓灰汁煮之令熟,二节日所尚啖也。……裹黏米一名‘糉’,一名‘角黍’,盖取阴阳尚相苞裹未分散之象也。”


然后就开始实践了.对于俺这种不可以称为"心灵手巧"的人来说,包粽子实在不是件简单的手工活--特别是开始包了才想起来没有线绳,于是还得临时发扬聪明才智,用粽叶制绳. 在美食激励下的猪是勤劳的猪! 好不容易包完了,还要耐心的慢慢的煮.最后终于可以吃啦!

我包了两种--湖州肉粽和豆沙甜粽.甜的大概是因为我心急没煮够时间,不算十分成功.但是我最爱的肉粽还是相当可口地! (在此给自己颁发奖状数张)

嗯,写了这许多,我可饿了. 不废话啦,本猪午餐去也!
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