星期日, 一月 18, 2009

 Outdoor Testing  

I still haven't got my SD card. But the weather has been so lovely this weekend (continuing the weekly trend), that I just had to go out and take some outdoor photos, even when I have a cold. I'm such a dedicated photographer, if I must say so myself!

And here are some samples of my hard work:

At dusk, we took a little walk in Candlestick Park

The fishing piers

The cliffs at Fort Funston, our new favorite beach

On the beach: Matthew perching like a bird (or fisherman?)

星期五, 一月 16, 2009


我们的"老"照相机—其实也就4岁—不幸于圣诞期间在Denver就义了. 想起我们上一代相机, 也是干了4年寿终正寝. 数码相机大概就是这个寿数吧. 在此表扬一下咱老相机(#2), 这几年跟着咱, 上山下海, 任劳任怨, 最后牺牲在工作岗位上—他的镜头至今还凝固在"开机"的状态 (怎么也关不上了), 在冥冥之中注视着这个世界.

经专家介绍, 本周我们又迎来了新相机 — Panasonic DMC-LX3, F2.0 24mm Leica DC Vario-Summicron 镜头. 看上去挺专业吧:

相机到家了,可是卡还没到, 内存只有50M, 所以还不能使劲照. 以下是几张室内的试照:

处女照: living room at night

Matthew working on the kitchen counter

俺首次炮制的馅饼 (凌阿姨秘方)

黄昏, San Francisco Bay

夕阳 • 蝴蝶兰

上午 • 蝴蝶兰

Some of our house plants


San Francisco Bay, 正午, 烈日炎炎

怎么样, 高级吧? (反正我觉得挺高级的.) 我很喜欢相机的广角镜头, 还有超强的感光 — 晚上的照片都没用闪光灯, 我的手也并不稳, 效果还不错, 虽然有些颜色有点funky, 大概可以调white balance? 等卡来了,要好好去室外照一照...

星期六, 一月 10, 2009

 Thanksgiving, Xmas, New Year  

Time flies..... I sometimes wonder why it is that the older you (I) get, the faster time seems to fly by. I can still vividly remember sitting in a classroom when I was, say, eight, and painfully counting the minutes and seconds when the class would be over (which seemed to last a life time). But now, whole months and years just flash past.

I finally had a revelation: when we are young, our senses are hyper-charged, and you take in everything around you more vividly, everything tastes stronger, every sound sharper, and every passing second registers on us. As we grow older, we lost that sensitivity - we need to add more spice to our food to taste right, and time blurs along with our vision.

So, my point is... I have an excuse for not posting anything for 2 months (that is because it felt like 2 weeks to me). And here is part of what happened during this period:

1. Thanksgiving in Toronto and Ashburn:

2. Xmas in SF and Denver

More Denver pics from Chantal here.

Happy new year everyone!

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